Greetings! Here’s city-related news for residents of Ward 1 and beyond.
Cedar Lake Road closures & improvements: Council recently approved next steps for the Cedar Lake Road/Louisiana Ave. improvements project, a two-phase, three-year project that will commence this year with work and closures on Cedar Lake Road between Hwy 169 and Rhode Island Ave. The $28.5M project will include new pavement, curb extensions, raised medians and upgrades to ensure ADA compliance, streetscape improvements, and a roundabout at Cedar Lake Road and Louisiana Avenue (constructed in 2026). Thanks to city staff and our state and federal legislators for helping secure $14M in regional, state, and federal aid for this project, offsetting the financial impact to our community. Protecting renters: I’m proud that SLP continues to be a leader in strengthening protections for renters, who make up nearly half of SLP residents. Later this month Council will consider changes to our Eviction Protection Ordinance to require that landlords give renters 30 days’ notice (rather than 14 days) before filing an eviction action. The proposed change will provide renters struggling to pay rent (by far the most common reason people are evicted) more time to seek legal help, pursue moving options, find sources to pay past due rent or work out a resolution with the landlord, avoiding an eviction filing which can have a devastating impact on long-term housing stability, employment, physical and mental health, children’s education, and other areas. Another proposed change to the ordinance would require landlords to use a standardized pre-eviction notice that’s clear and simple, rather than landlord-generated forms that tenants have described as confusing, frightening, and misleading. I’m in support of both changes to our ordinance as they address the power differential between landlords and renters in what I believe is a fair and reasonable way. A huge shout out the all-volunteer SLP Housing Team for their authentic community engagement and tireless advocacy on this and other topics related to protecting renters in our community. New brewer in town: Haggard Barrel Brewing recently won city approvals to brew and sell malt liquor in a 283-square-foot space at 6413 Cambridge Street, near Dampfwerk and Copperwing distilleries. Beer will only be available off-sale with no indoor or outdoor seating. Name that plow: And the winner is …The Big Snowplowski! Public works staff ran a snowplow naming contest earlier this year and this nod to hometown heroes the Coen Brothers (“The Big Lebowski”) took the prize. Other entries included Lord Coldemort and The Snowriole. Fun! View all the entries here. City funding for neighborhood activities: For decades, the city has provided annual funding to neighborhoods for community building activities. I’ve seen from my own experience how these activities and the planning process behind them build strong, lasting bonds between neighbors. The city’s neighborhood grant program is now accepting applications through April 1, with up to $3,000 awarded per neighborhood for a variety of activities. Want to organize or get more involved in your neighborhood? Contact city staff for support. More food choices at West End: Chicago-based GW Properties plans to construct two new one-story buildings in the southeast corner of the parking lot at 5775 Wayzata Boulevard. Four fast-casual restaurants will occupy the new buildings: Shake Shack, Sweetgreen, Chipotle and Snooze an A.M. Eatery. The Chipotle will include a mobile order drive up window and there’ll be outdoor seating, too. Boards & commissions update: Serving on a board or commission in SLP has been a pathway for many residents (including me) to run for city council and/or engage and contribute on a deeper level with the community we love. In recent years, council has recognized the need and opportunity to better utilize the energy and talents of our 75+ board and commission members. Council, residents, and staff have been on a journey over the last 18 months to discern the best way forward in accomplishing this goal. Our next step will take place March 4 with a council session devoted entirely to this topic. More info here and please email me your thoughts on this topic if you haven’t already! Shade SLP Plus Program kicks off: Thanks to a grant from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, income-eligible SLP residents can get help managing ash trees, in light of the emerald ash borer infestation, through the recently launched Shade SLP Plus Program. Residents earning less than 80% of the Area Median Income are eligible to receive free services including tree injections, removal, planting, and pruning. For perspective, 80% of Area Median Income is one person earning $66,300 or less, or a family of four earning $94,650 or less. Use the above link to contact staff and learn more. SLP police & mental health response: Mental health calls are increasingly common for our police department, in line with what’s happening in other communities across the U.S. City Council recently approved a two-year contract with Hennepin County for a full-time embedded social worker to improve police response to mental health calls. The social worker will work with the PD’s new Behavioral Health Unit to provide follow-up recommendations and support to individuals immediately following an interaction with law enforcement. The effort is designed to reduce repeat calls for service, especially where police response may not be the best way to solve an issue. Thanks to our PD for piloting this innovative program. Here’s a select list of upcoming events in our community: SLP Clothing Swap, Tuesday, Feb. 27, 5-7 pm, St. Louis Park Rec Center, banquet room. Info here. Neighborhood Grant Program informational meetings, Wednesday, March 6, 6-7:30 pm, Westwood Hills Nature Center, and Thursday, March 14, 6-7:30 pm. SLP City Hall. Info here. Children First Champions Breakfast, Thursday, March 7, 7:30-9 am, Minneapolis Marriott West (note new location). All are welcome to this fun event in support of our community’s kids! Register here. DFL Town Hall, Tuesday, March 12, 6-7:30 pm, Council Chambers, SLP City Hall. Reps. Larry Kraft and Cheryl Youakim and Sen. Ron Latz will share their priorities for the current legislative session and respond to constituent questions. The event will also be broadcast live on ParkTV. SLP Storytelling Forum, Thursday, March 14, 6:30-7:45 pm, St. Louis Park Public Library. The topic is end-of-life caregiving. Thanks for reading and please stay in touch! Margaret |
I send out a monthly summary of city-related news to Ward 1 residents and interested others, posted here. If you’d like to receive it via email, let me know here.
January 2025