Restaurant openings and closings, new homes and apartments, board/commission changes & more4/1/2024 Greetings! Here’s city-related news for residents of Ward 1 and beyond.
Board/commission changes: Did you know that more than 70 of your SLP neighbors serve on a board or commission in SLP, tasked with sharing their unique experiences and expertise to advise city council? At least that's how it’s supposed to work – but often doesn't. With the shared goal to improve how our boards & commissions function, SLP city staff, council and community members have been idea-sharing on this topic for over a year. Based on feedback received, council recently directed staff to propose changes to the program which may include providing food, childcare, compensation, and meeting flexibility to members as well as creating opportunities for more frequent and meaningful engagement between board and commission members and council. Staff will present their proposed changes to council in May. Thanks to everyone who shared their views on this. New apartments on Cedar Lake Road: Council recently provided approvals for a three-story, 36-unit apartment building to replace two single-family homes (both currently rental properties) at 6013 and 6019 Cedar Lake Road in Ward 4. I’m a strong proponent of home ownership as a wealth-building tool so, like others, I struggle to see single-family homes replaced with apartments for rent. At the same time, this type of "missing middle" housing, sized between detached single-family homes and high-rise apartments, is needed in our community and supported by our comprehensive plan. You can learn more about missing middle housing here. Future for-sale twinhomes: It’s been a while since I’ve written about the Minnetonka Boulevard Twinhomes project in Ward 1 just east of Hwy 100; it's a complex project that is taking some time, but will be worth the wait. SLP has partnered with the Greater Metropolitan Housing Corporation and the West Hennepin Affordable Housing Land Trust to build eight affordable, for-sale twin homes on land where four modest single family homes previously stood. Community meetings are planned for later this year to share concept designs and gather feedback. I'm a big fan of this project! Market value changes: Each year our city assessor prepares an incredibly detailed report for council on market value changes for residential properties across the city. This report informs council as we hear appeals from property owners who contest their home's assessed market value for tax purposes. It also provides an interesting snapshot of dynamics and trends in the city more generally. If this topic interests you, I encourage you to review the full report here (starting on page 135). For a more simple look, here are some interesting maps:
The end of an era, x 2: Community hangout McCoy’s Public House closed for good March 30 after 20 years serving the city. Thanks for the memories, McCoy’s! Nearby Pannekoeken Huis, the last one in the Twin Cities, closed in late February after 25 years in St. Louis Park. Those owners say they hope to find a new location and re-open the restaurant. In with the new: Food truck business Caribbean Tasty is opening a storefront restaurant within Nelson’s Meat & Deli at 6318 Minnetonka Blvd. in Ward 1. They’re hosting a grand opening event April 13 from 11-8. In other restaurant news, the team behind Crave plans to open a Japanese-inspired steakhouse called Boketto in early June. It’ll be located next door to Crave. Other new businesses: Women’s fashion boutique Covered is relocating from Uptown to the Texa-Tonka Shopping Center. The shop is slated to open in June. Spanish Immersion Early Education franchise Tierra Encantada has purchased the former Slumberland Furniture Outlet on Excelsior Blvd. and is currently renovating the property. The school will open in the fall. Yard waste pickup delayed: Originally scheduled to begin April 1, city yard waste pickup has been pushed back to April 8 due to recent snow and other factors. But in my view (not an official city view) it’s way too early to remove the leaves, if you must remove them at all. To protect pollinators like butterflies, moths, native bees and other beneficial insects, experts say wait until temps reach 50+ degrees consecutively for at least 7 days. I’m not a big fan of the term “yard waste” to be honest. Leaves aren’t trash – they’re an integral part of our ecosystem providing food, shelter, and nutrients. Some experts say leave the leaves in every season if you can. My two cents! Dumpsters in the ROW: For the last 20+ years the city hasn’t allowed property owners to place bulk material containers (e.g., dumpsters & tubs) in the public right of way, ever. In response to changing community needs including more home remodeling projects on small lots, council will soon consider an ordinance change to allow bulk material containers in the street if there’s not enough space on private property, with a permit and for a fee. Arbor Day event in Ward 1 this year! I’m excited that the city’s annual Arbor Day celebration will take place at Birchwood Park this year, in Ward 1. The city is partnering with Tree Trust and community members to plant 50 trees in the park. Sign up here to help plant the trees! All are welcome. Other activities will include tree-themed games and art, an obstacle course, arborist-led tree walk, live music, and tree seedling giveaway. The event will take place Saturday, May 11, from 9-11 am. City-school calendar discontinued: Times are changing … and the joint city-school calendar, once found in many homes with kids in SLP schools, is going away. The decision to discontinue the calendar (both print and online versions) was based on recent survey feedback from school district families; in recent years the calendar was offered primarily online. The City provides a link to the school district calendar on its website calendar page and the school district will similarly look for opportunities to link to the city’s online calendar of events. Here's a select list of upcoming events in SLP: Move into Spring Challenge, April 1 – May 16. The City has a fun program to encourage residents to move their bodies 30 minutes a day as we move into spring. Get a free pass to the Aquatic Center and be eligible to win a prize. Register here by April 9. Carribbean Tasty Grand Opening, Thursday, April 11, 11am-8 pm, 6318 Minnetonka Blvd. (inside Nelson’s). Exciting new food option in SLP! Info here. Catalytic converter marking event: Thursday, May 2, 2-6 pm, Municipal Service Center, 7305 Oxford Street, but interest forms will ONLY be available Friday, April 12, 10 am-4 pm. Forms must be filled out to be eligible for random lottery to select 72 residents. Info here. SLP Storytelling Forum, Thursday, April 11, 6-7:30 pm, St. Louis Park Public Library. Muddy Paws Cheesecake owner Tami Cabrera will talk about her family-owned business and volunteerism in support of our SLP community over the last 30 years. Cheesecake samples for attendees too! Supported by St. Louis Park Friends of the Arts. Resilient Yards Workshop, Thursday, April 11, 6-8 pm, St. Louis Park City Hall. Gain resources and guidance for creating beautiful habitat for pollinators, protecting clean water and restoring the ecology of your yard. Info and register here. 35th Annual Kiwanis Kite Fly, Saturday, April 27, noon-4 pm, Louisiana Oaks Park. Free kites for kids while supplies last. Makeup date is May 25. Arbor Day Celebration, Saturday, May 11, 9-11 am, Birchwood Park. Info here. Thanks for reading and please stay in touch! Margaret |
I send out a monthly summary of city-related news to Ward 1 residents and interested others, posted here. If you’d like to receive it via email, let me know here.
January 2025