Political candidates compete for endorsements, and I’m no exception. It’s part of running for office. I’ve received some, as have other Ward 1 candidates. It’s rewarding to get that stamp of approval, and sometimes, it even comes with a check.
But for me, by far the most valuable endorsements I’ve received are from members of the St. Louis Park community. It’s this broad, enthusiastic, grassroots support I care about most. Here are snippets from some of the many letters that have appeared in the Sun Sailor or at www.rogforslp.com since I filed for office: Margaret…has displayed jaw-dropping energy and enthusiasm for her neighborhood and her city. – Jean & Jon Olson I continue to be awed by Margaret’s authenticity, integrity, energy, and tenacity to work toward making our neighborhood a safe, inclusive, and wonderful place to live. – Sharon Lehrman Margaret has been instrumental in making St. Louis Park the kind of community so many of us love. – Shirley Zimmerman Margaret Rog knows St. Louis Park. She has always been a steadfast advocate for all causes that make ours a more equitable, livable community. – Bob Ramsey Margaret is fiercely committed to St. Louis Park and all its residents. – Adebisi Wilson Margaret Rog is a proven leader who is passionate, driven, community-oriented and listens to all voices at the table. – Steve Schmitz Margaret explores issues from every angle and constantly looks for ways to make sure all perspectives and voices in the SLP community are heard. – Michelle Kornblit Margaret has been involved in the community for 25 years and we believe she will continue to dedicated to our city … and serve our community well. – Dale & Sharon Anderson Margaret has the commitment, experience, and vision to guide the future of our vibrant community. – Katherine Dowd I’ve never felt strongly enough about any candidate to advocate publicly. This year is different because it’s for Margaret Rog, who I know truly cares about the community she serves. – Elena Khalitov Margaret Rog is the most qualified city council candidate in recent history. – Thom Miller, St. Louis Park City Council member I didn’t plan to run for public office. I didn’t intentionally build a resume of community service so I’d win an election. But once I decided to run, I realized how well-positioned I am to listen and lead as your Ward 1 representative on the city council. I like being a grassroots candidate. I hope you’ll vote in the Ward 1 primary on August 8, and I hope you’ll vote Rog for SLP. |