February greetings! Here’s city-related news for residents of Ward 1 and beyond.
Bridge to West End: Planning and community conversations continue regarding this significant project, which will provide safe passage for bikers and pedestrians over the BNSF tracks, between the area around Peter Hobart School and the West End area (map here). City staff have set up a Survey Monkey to gather public input on two final proposed options for the bridge’s entry/exit points and structure. I encourage you to complete the survey and share your questions and opinions with staff and council on this project. Construction will take place in 2019 and 2020. Climate Action Plan/Take Action: City staff have set up a Take Action page on the city’s website to help residents, businesses, and others join in working toward our community's goal of carbon neutrality by 2040. Find a guide for how to support the Climate Action Plan at home and a pretty cool interactive solar suitability map to help homeowners, businesses and schools discover their property’s solar photovoltaic system potential, rooftop by rooftop. Other climate actions being discussed by staff and council include adopting a building energy disclosure ordinance and lobbying the State to adopt a green building stretch code, which would allow SLP to exceed the State’s current energy code. Stay tuned and get climate active! Crime-Free Ordinance Workgroup: Applications are being accepted for a workgroup to examine our city’s Crime Free Ordinance (CFO). The CFO was adopted in 2008 to address concerns about disorderly or criminal activity in some rental housing in the city, but concerns about possible unintended consequences of the ordinance, including unfair evictions, prompted city council to review and consider changing or eliminating the CFO. Tenants, property owners, rental property neighbors, and others are encouraged to apply for the workgroup here. Deadline is Feb. 28. More info here. Community Health Management: At our Jan. 28 study session, council members heard from SLP Fire Chief Steve Koering about a new approach the department is piloting to reduce the number of 911 calls and emergency room visits and improve the quality of life for SLP residents who are frequent users of emergency medical services. Chief Koering and his staff’s innovative approach to community health is helping frail seniors and others access needed medical care to effectively address recurring health problems, rather than make repeated trips to the hospital in crisis. On top of this important work, SLP fire crews dealt with two major fire events during our past week of frigid temperatures. Next time you see an SLP firefighter, give them a high five! Safe water in SLP: Last month, SLP’s Water Treatment Plant #4 came back online after a two-year shutdown, while new equipment was installed to remove harmful chemicals in the water. Thanks to city staff, council, and a workgroup of residents called Safe Water for SLP, the plant is now pumping drinking water that meets state and federal standards. More info here. Meetup is today: My monthly meetup is TODAY, February 3, 3-4:30 pm, at the SLP Nest, 3416 Library Lane. SLP Friends of the Arts director Jamie Marshall will join a conversation about Arts & Community. Coffee and treats will be available. Come on over, join the conversation, and check out the Nest! All are welcome. Get involved! Applications to serve on one of SLP's boards and commissions are open now through Feb. 28. For a list of open positions, click here. For the application, click here. Finally, here’s a select list of other upcoming events in SLP:
Margaret |
I send out a monthly summary of city-related news to Ward 1 residents and interested others, posted here. If you’d like to receive it via email, let me know here.
January 2025